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2024 is coming on hot!
Sol Duc Retreat Center and Holistik Living are super excited to invite you to their second collaboration  on this gathering for all the family.
We had such a deep experience with our kids, our elderes doing Yoga and immersing ourselves in the healing art practices, we are ready for more...

Spirit Forest is a retreat where you will be introduced to the wisdom of Yoga, the Hindú practice that brings mind, body and spirit to peace.

Sometimes where we are chased by the clock and having the need for external things that will bring temporary fulfillment, we must take a break. This nature healing immersion will help you explore new ways to listen deeper to your body and finding answers to enliven your soul. More than only a yoga retreat, this is a holistic healing experience where you can learn how to attune to the alchemy that surfaces from nature when you paying closer attention to each part of what is You.


Taking place in a land that has been tended with much love and respect, this sanctuary on the outskirts of the Olympic National Forest it is surrounded by creeks, moss, paths and don’t let me forget about the hot springs that will host our group for a divine session in the water.

I invite you to stop... close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose and exhale trough your mouth... Now, ask your self if this is something that resonates with you. 


We are inviting you to join us to tap into in the wisdom of your being, and doing it together with all your loved ones, kids, elders, every one is welcome, because to heal for good, we need to do it together!


Desde el corazón,

Maytrelli Diaz

Meet Your Facilitators

For Holistik Living is an energetic matter who and where to work with. The collaborations, co-leaders, venues and all other details are synchronically come together.

There is no mind behind our offerings, it is exclusively divined guided. Creating synergy, this medicine women and men will create a ritualistic weekend were yoga and sound healing will divinely welcome you in nature.


Nuestra experiencia ha demostrado que los mejores efectos se obtienen cuando tienes tiempo para estar presente y reconectarte verdaderamente contigo mismo. Este retiro de inmersión de 7 días le brinda la oportunidad de acercarse más a sí mismo. Tendrá 3 ceremonias sagradas de Ayahuasca con música sacra acústica en vivo dirigida por nuestros facilitadores y sanadores. También se pueden incluir otras plantas ceremoniales y una serie de otras terapias holísticas para integrar su experiencia y obtener una transformación a largo plazo.

Nuestro centro de retiro está ubicado en un rincón privado de la jungla con fácil acceso desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún y cuenta con todas las comodidades que necesita para disfrutar de su tiempo. Desde majestuosos templos sagrados hasta playas de agua turquesa y ríos submarinos, puede disfrutar de los árboles y la fauna de esta biorregión. Los bungalows están equipados con habitaciones dobles con baño y ventiladores de techo. Hay una piscina disponible y un espacio designado llamado 'maloka' albergará el ritual sagrado.

Las comidas se preparan cuidadosamente con amor y cuidado. Una dieta vegetariana sigue los requisitos del medicamento para adaptarse mejor a su proceso.

Maytrelli Diaz
Ritualista  y Consejera holística

Anayza Stewart
Sanación energética intuitiva
& Facilitación 

Anayza es una sanadora de energía intuitiva, facilitadora y guía del alma. Es una amante de la naturaleza, los elementos, los árboles, la intimidad, la naturaleza salvaje y cualquier cosa/todo Soul. 

Viajera del mundo, finalmente ha encontrado un hogar en el exuberante estado de Washington.

Ha estado apoyando a personas en viajes cuánticos del alma desde 2018 y comenzó como cofacilitadora en un centro de retiro de ayahuasca en Perú. Sus modalidades incluyen auto-indagación, meditación, recuperación del alma, conexión ancestral, alquimia/curación energética, liberación somática y más. Pero, en última instancia, Anayza siente que todo cambio verdadero proviene de escuchar profundamente el momento presente. Ella apoyará a las mujeres para que se den cuenta de su integridad y recuperen su propio camino de curación para recuperar su feminidad divina.


Logan Mac Donald

Anayza es una sanadora de energía intuitiva, facilitadora y guía del alma. Es una amante de la naturaleza, los elementos, los árboles, la intimidad, la naturaleza salvaje y cualquier cosa/todo Soul. 

Viajera del mundo, finalmente ha encontrado un hogar en el exuberante estado de Washington.

Ha estado apoyando a personas en viajes cuánticos del alma desde 2018 y comenzó como cofacilitadora en un centro de retiro de ayahuasca en Perú. Sus modalidades incluyen auto-indagación, meditación, recuperación del alma, conexión ancestral, alquimia/curación energética, liberación somática y más. Pero, en última instancia, Anayza siente que todo cambio verdadero proviene de escuchar profundamente el momento presente. Ella apoyará a las mujeres para que se den cuenta de su integridad y recuperen su propio camino de curación para recuperar su feminidad divina.


Dana Nixon

Dana’s conscious entry onto the yoga path began in college while reading Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography. Inspired by the foundational principle of ahimsa (non-harming), she learned to crave a world where Permaculture principles of care for the land, care for the people, and fair share (where natures abundance is shared fairly among human and nonhuman life) are practiced widely. She has been farming, teaching yoga, practicing Permaculture, and building community since moving to the Olympic Peninsula in 2008. She lives with her husband and son on their Quilcene homestead.

Dana will be sharing her expertise on Permaculture and how we can create a sustainable farm like living.

 Deepen into earth’s energy with Dana

Kimber Xara

Kimber Xara considers herself a Mystic Earthling. What this means for her is that she embraces curiosity, presence, and playfulness, and believes that we are borrowing these bodies from the Earth. One of the ways she celebrates this connection is through facilitation of mindful drumming and singing.

She has been gathering songs (& writing a few of her own) for many years now and loves to share them with others... especially within the setting of the beautiful Spirit Forest!


Harmony &
Todd Fronterhouse

Todd and Harmony Fronterhouse are creators of Wildcraft Wellness, Spiritual Community Leaders and Event Facilitators dedicated to bringing awareness to holistic balance and wellness. They have been sharing their passions of art and music for over 20 years, bringing song circles, drum making workshops and visionary art to community retreats, festivals and private events.


Caretakers of the sacred elements, paradigm shifters, and twin flames, they are excited to share a transformational experience of sound healing, group connection, and will be so pleased to support the celebration for the  SPIRIT FOREST RETREAT!

Spirit FoRest Program

Introduction to Yoga & Healing Arts

  • Welcoming Ceremony

  • Yoga as a philosophy, as an  art, as a science.

  • Holistic Healing Arts

  • Classic Hindu Yoga / Yoga sutras de Patanjali

  • Ashtanga Yoga / Eight limbs of Yoga

  • Sound Bath /Hypnotherapy

  • Visit to the Hot Springs

  • Chakra Alignment Ceremony

  • Full moon ritual and sound meditation

  • Sacred Song  & Circle Drum Circle

  • Kids activities, will include Gnome Quest, Story Telling, Visit Big Foot neighborhood, Hike, Rock Painting.


Nos reuniremos en las tierras ancestrales del pueblo Chimacum, en las faldas de las Montañas Olímpicas.

Hay dos opciones: acampar en la tierra o quedarse en el templo de la yurta con otras mujeres.

Recomendamos vestirse en capas durante la noche puede hacer frío.

Magical Sanctuary in the Forest of Port Angeles

To really be immersed in the magical trails of the rain forest. We are hosting this retreat in the back doors of the Olympic National Forest where the fairies, and the elements feel alive.

We invite you to stay in a large 10 by 14 ft, heated cabin tent with airbed that is semi secluded, surrounded in ferns and old growth trees.  With many trails that loop around and outdoor facilities you can feel the outdoors living experience.

Kids and Family Activities

This offering is also thinking about the whole, we love to have those one that have kids, that want then to learn in nature and mingle with the trees, the fairies, the gnomes and play around.

Yoga for Kids and Family will be included.

We will be doing fun games that teach respect with the environment.

Scavenger Hunt & Rock Painting

We will be rock painting in nature as a way to get your kids to let the imaginations run free, while you are being immersed in resting your mind, and activating your body.

Our story teller will help bring the magic of the forest alive with his big foot, salmon, bear hisories.

Kids will be plenty busy, while you put your spirit to rest.


Creemos que "somos lo que comemos".

Todas nuestras comidas son orgánicas. Tratamos de servir principalmente alimentos que son autóctonos. Déjanos sorprenderte con este menú gourmet que ha sido curado con nuestro equipo de nutricionistas y curanderos.

Nos encanta la atención al detalle y nuestra comida es sagrada en todos los sentidos.

Nuestras hermanas siempre aman la variedad de gustos diversos en el momento en que nutrimos nuestros cuerpos.

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Image by Brooke Lark

What happened at the Forest:

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Vida holística

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